The Inheritance

Voice of Butler Jeeves for The Inheritance
Video Games

Project Overview:

Song Name

Asperiores ratione tempore praesentium sed maiores magnam.

Doloribus quas eveniet autem repellendus ut. Accusantium sit dolores ipsum quis soluta omnis iusto natus. Enim suscipit magnam.

Quia ut quos.

Sit aspernatur quas nesciunt. Et placeat delectus consequuntur officiis blanditiis sit asperiores aut. Est sint aliquid nobis. Error qui quis et illum. Reprehenderit officiis quis et suscipit qui. Temporibus nihil at illum incidunt vel.

Enim quod asperiores veritatis beatae dolores eum. Non non et earum modi non omnis id qui. Ex molestiae reprehenderit architecto et rem non rerum. Provident fugit nam reiciendis. Ea et est. Minus sed optio tempora dolor voluptatem voluptatem tempora dolor est.

In incidunt quod laboriosam voluptatem non. Molestiae est dolorem fugit quis dolores ducimus fuga. Qui qui consectetur qui dolores enim veniam incidunt. Quis explicabo praesentium eum tempora. Cumque omnis labore incidunt veniam. Quae assumenda voluptatibus ut sint.

Voice Actor
Voice Adaptation
Engaging Content, British Accent,
David was so easy and fun to work with! My audience in the UK couldn't even tell he was using an accent!

Scott Adams

Scott Adams Grand Adventures


Find answers to frequently asked questions about the voice over project.

What is the process?

The creative process involves understanding the client's requirements, script analysis, recording, and editing. Collaboration with other artists may be required for projects that involve multiple voice actors or additional audio elements. Technical aspects of the voice over include sound quality, file formats, and delivery methods.

How do you collaborate?

Collaboration can be done remotely through email, phone calls, or video conferences. Clear communication and timely feedback are essential for a successful collaboration.

What are the technical requirements?

Technical requirements may vary depending on the project. It is important to discuss the preferred file formats, sample rates, and delivery methods with the voice actor.

Can you provide samples?

Yes, samples of previous voice over work can be provided upon request. These samples can give you an idea of the voice actor's style, tone, and versatility.

What is the turnaround time?

The turnaround time depends on the length and complexity of the project. It will be discussed and agreed upon during the initial consultation.

Contact David!

I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to reach out with any questions or inquiries you may have.
Connections are always welcome too!

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